chernobyl packet
Chernobyl packet

/cher-noh'b*l pak'*t/ A network packet that
induces a broadcast storm and/or network meltdown, named
in memory of the April 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl in

The typical scenario involves an IP Ethernet datagram
that passes through a gateway with both source and
destination Ethernet address and IP address set as the
respective broadcast addresses for the subnetworks being gated

Compare Christmas tree packet.

[Jargon File]

chernobyl packet
Chernobyl packet
/cher·noh'b@l pak'@t/, n.

A network packet that induces a broadcast storm and/or {network meltdown
}, in memory of the April 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl in Ukraine.
The typical scenario involves an IP Ethernet datagram that passes through a
gateway with both source and destination Ether and IP address set as the
respective broadcast addresses for the subnetworks being gated between.
Compare Christmas tree packet.
podobné slovodefinícia
chernobyl packet
Chernobyl packet

/cher-noh'b*l pak'*t/ A network packet that
induces a broadcast storm and/or network meltdown, named
in memory of the April 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl in

The typical scenario involves an IP Ethernet datagram
that passes through a gateway with both source and
destination Ethernet address and IP address set as the
respective broadcast addresses for the subnetworks being gated

Compare Christmas tree packet.

[Jargon File]

chernobyl packet
Chernobyl packet
/cher·noh'b@l pak'@t/, n.

A network packet that induces a broadcast storm and/or {network meltdown
}, in memory of the April 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl in Ukraine.
The typical scenario involves an IP Ethernet datagram that passes through a
gateway with both source and destination Ether and IP address set as the
respective broadcast addresses for the subnetworks being gated between.
Compare Christmas tree packet.

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